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Abbey Presbyterian Church, Parnell Square North, Dublin 1, Co. Dublin, Ireland.

Being Churches Together The Helix DCU

September 7, 2023 @ 10:00 am – 4:30 pm

September 7th ‘Being Churches Together’  10am-4.30pm.

The event celebrates 100 years of the Irish Council of Churches and 50 years since the Ballymascanlon Talks which led to the formation of the Irish Inter-Church Meeting. ‘Called to be One’, an updated history of ICC and IICM written by Rev Dr Ian Ellis will be launched on the day Three speakers will examine how churches can bear witness to our vision of hope for society in Ireland today:

Witnessing for a reason: Connecting Christian values and public concerns (Prof Philip McDonagh) Witnessing together: How churches build connection and work together effectively (Dr Nicola Brady) Witnessing in diversity: Churches working for an Ireland of belonging (Rev Dr Livingstone Thompson)

Followed by workshop sessions exploring how churches can work effectively on different issues affecting society today such as sectarianism, economic inequality, ethnic and gender discrimination and the climate crisis. To Sign up :